The summer is here again and that means time to get a job.
Unfortunately that is proving more problematic than it should be. So I've resorted to the IMD way and started advertising to build websites (because thats what IMD is, right? *choke*)
So without further ado, I present to you Design for Art*.
Quite apart from being a website I'm very pleased with, DFA* exploits the feeling I've had that most web design firms charge ludicrous prices for what is essentially, not a very hard job. DFA, I hope, will appeal to artists, designers and indiviuals who just want a website with none of the fuss. You want your work online, for not alot of cash, and you dont care about CSS styles, W3C compliance, javascript, or any of the other toys that webdesigners like to throw in.
So if you accidently find this site, please drop me an e-mail, or pass it on to someone who might just be looking for a 'never mind the bollocks' website.