Well it's approaching that time of the year that all your current year projects are beginning to end, and the mind begins to wander onto whats on the road ahead. Due to the 4th years losing their studio as it's set up for degree show time, we've had several of their number in IMD3 waters, and its given me a real hankering to start thinking about my 4th year project.
But where to begin? Well as always, its a good idea to be looking at something you are interested in. Which brings up a whole new kettle of fish, what am I interested in?
The more I think about this, the more I see I am interested in looking at ubiquitous computing as a tool for mediating our everyday lives. I see ubiquitous computing as changing our 'face value' relationships with (particularly urban) space, imbuing it with a second layer, a layer of information which enriches our everyday experience of it. It has the possiblity to do to a space what a piece of public street scuplture can do. However, there is always the dark element, the idea that there is information hidden from all but the annointed, and in this respect it has more in common with grafitti, a public media underworld.
Or something.
This is getting towards the themes I'd like to start looking at, but there is so much research to be done before I'm going to say that this will be my final idea.
One thing I'm quite keen in doing though is restricting my project to sound. This year I have been working with a similar theme, with the project Samizdat which explored the idea of locative cinema. Although I was happy with the concept, the actual creation of a video piece was a total pain, and something that I'm keen to avoid this year.
Anyways, I think I'm going to start using this to post my summer ramblings and links to things for my fourth year. Also I hope to put up some of the summer work which may be in the pipeline for the creativyard project. More to follow.